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Side Effects/Side Stories

Created on: 10/26/21 07:46 PM Views: 425 Replies: 1
Side Effects/Side Stories
Posted Tuesday, October 26, 2021 07:46 PM

I was wondering if I had any residual side-effects from my COVID-19 experience in May, 2020.  'cepting my normal mental lapses, of course.  :-) I regularly give my memory a few tests. Yesterday, while beach walking, I was successful in recalling all fifty states and their capitals in my head, but could not recall the names of Sean Penn and John McEnroe in another memory game.

Yet in a discussion of my Egypt trip with an English friend who was contemplating a visit to Cairo, I was able to pull out a few names of Pharaohs and temples and pyramids--but I still am concerned about waning memory (of course forgetfulness is normal with aging). But correctly recalling Queen Hapshepsut and her Luxor temple and the murder of tourists there back in November, 1997 was a positive sign (not the murders of course).

 Hatshepsut Temple

Deir Al Bahari Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut Luxor



And an arduous climb to the top of the pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) was also mentioned--and how security would not allow it (the climb) except for the Egyptian pound note I threw in.

Pyramid of Khufu or Cheops (The Great Pyramid of Giza)

A view from the top


On Top of the Pyramid of Khufu | Pyramids egypt, Egypt history, Pyramids of  giza



The Great Pyramids of Giza (article) | Khan Academy


When the famous pyramids of Cheops were built. Why and how the pyramids  were built in ancient Egypt


Memories are indeed fleeting.  Hope everyone is well.


Edited 10/03/22 12:39 PM
RE: Side Effects/Side Stories
Posted Tuesday, September 13, 2022 12:37 AM
Hey Dan
My wife and I never received any vaccines. Both of us contracted the virus this summer in July while in western NC. We knew COVID was nothing to panic about. The lockdowns were all designed to create fear and destroy economies worldwide. Neither of us were seriously affected. Loss of energy, headache, congestion, mild fever and that lasted a week or so. We both have strong immune systems that carried us through it. We now have the truth coming out that Dr. Faucci lied about the virus and that the government forced social media to censor anyone that didn't agree with them. He was responsible for it's creation and helped big pharma make billions from the sale of their worthless vaccines. Too many people have died unfortunately from side effects after receiving the vaccine. Millions of deaths were reported as attributed to COVID and later found to be untrue. The media worked hand in hand with government bureaucrats to create the lies.


