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Chinese Virus Fear and the CCP

Created on: 03/31/21 06:06 PM Views: 321 Replies: 2
Chinese Virus Fear and the CCP
Posted Wednesday, March 31, 2021 06:06 PM

People really need to wake up and see the truth.  I have been spending time in Colorado, Texas and Florida since last November. Both Texas and Florida have the lowest rates of people getting the virus and they have been open for months with no mandatory requirements for wearing masks and social distancing. Children have been going to school and people have been going to church, eating out in restaurants, going to the bars, etc. On the other hand, states like CA, NJ, MI and NY which have taken people's 1st Ammendment rights away from them, have the highest rates of virus cases. Masks don't work, social distancing doesn't work. This proves it. You would have to be stupid not to see this.  In Archuleta County containing the town of Pagosa Springs, Colorado {pop. 3500) where we spend part of the year there were 749 cases and only 1 death.  Do people realize that 99% of people with the virus recover?  Look at the statistics folks. They don't lie.  

This whole pandemic BS was created by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to destroy economies around the world and create fear in everyone's mind. As far as the 2020 election was concerned, it was an excuse to use mail in ballots with no verification. Biden was even quoted on TV saying that "I don't need your vote to win the election.." He knew it was rigged using the software produced by DominionIf you have seen any of good old Joe's mental lapses on TV, you know he is not all there. Two of his latest were calling Kamala Harris President Harris and that he had been in Congress for 120 years.  Trump told us before the election that the Democrats would steal the election using whatever means necessary. Pelosi said the same.

Mark my words.  Even honest Democrats are now saying that they didn't want what is now happening in our country to happen.  Soon millions of those who have been asleep will be waking up and seeing the truth.  Mike Lindell's (My Pillow entreprenure and millionaire) new production "Absolute Truth" will start the new awakening in this country.  He has spent millions of his own money to pay experts to show the American people exactly how many fraudulent votes each state had. It will show how big cities stopped their vote counting to allow Dominion to update all their machines to change the algorithim in the middle of the night because they had no idea so many of the people were going to vote for Trump. Arizona will be the first state to overturn the election results and then Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Georgia will all fall like dominos in line. The Supreme Court, which so far has failed to do their duty to promote justice, will have no alternative with the majority of the country pressuring them to overturn the election. If they refuse, then the military will have to exercise their solemn oath to protect the country from enemies both foreign and domestic. The CCP has made their move to take over our country and we will not let it happen!  Nikita Khrushchev told us decades ago that the Communists would conquer us without firing a shot, and it would be from inside our own government. The CCP has bought all the media and so many of our government officials that we are ripe for the picking.  Ever since God was taken out of our schools we have gone downhill. Notice how Christians and Jews have been persecuted in all Communist countries. Our founding fathers founded this country on Judeo-Christian values and that is the 10 Commandments.They want to destroy the idea that only God can give us our freedom and our rights. A country without God will not stand.

So wake up and do something. Your children and grand children deserve better. 



Edited 03/31/21 06:13 PM
RE: Chinese Virus Fear and the CCP
Posted Wednesday, March 31, 2021 06:53 PM

You are 100% right!! Wish more Americans would do their research & stop being sheep.. first sheep then communism!!  Satan's most powerful tool is fear!!  If Jesus  is in your heart you should have no fear .. too many people not remembering this country was founded on Christianity .  Nobody seems to think for themselves!!  They just watch corrupt liberal news & believe it!! 

RE: Chinese Virus Fear and the CCP
Posted Wednesday, July 28, 2021 06:00 PM

Dear Ann,

God bless you and your family for standing up for what is right.  The liberals told all women that it is your body and you have the right to make the decision to do with it what you want. You can abort your baby.  Millions of children have been murdered and their body parts sold by government funded Planned Parenthood. The United States has abandoned God by taking God out of the public schools and allowing government funded abortion. Is it no wonder that we are suffering because of what we have let happen?  The left wants to remove all history of our founding fathers and why our country is the greatest country on earth. They want to teach our children that we should be ashamed of our country and that we are racists.  

Now look what they are saying concerning the vaccine. It may be your body, but you have to get the vaccine. What happened to the right to do with your body what you want to do with it??  Liberal left wing democrats are the biggest hypocrites.  Communism hates Christians and persecutes them.  Our government is heading in that direction. We have to resist with all our heart, mind, body and soul!