True Romance...Hope you enjoy....
Posted Thursday, January 19, 2023 08:33 AM



THE BODYGUARD (1992) | Behind the Scenes of Kevin Costner Classic Movie

I had a few requests after an earlier story about Kevin and Whitney.

I remember an earlier romance movie from back in the sixties....Julie Christie and Omar Shariff in Doctor Zhivago--a John Morehead favorite seen at the old State Theater down near the old Olivia Raney Library where we all spent a good bit of homework time long before the digital age, methodically sorting through card catalogs and periodicals.

But there was something romantic and comforting about those times--meeting up with friends downtown while preparing for a demanding Mrs. Fountain and her history questions posed to us the next day.  Nervous we were as we stood in front of the class, our knees shaking--but she was a wonderful teacher.