Close Call
Posted Saturday, December 9, 2023 06:14 AM

With a Rumbling Bull Elephant amid Giggles and Screams


Driving up through the beautiful and dense foliage of Khao Yai National Park (one of the most beautiful natural parks I have ever seen) we saw many monkees alongside the road, but then there were shouts of alarm from motorists up ahead.  And, although monkees often attack people, I wasn't particularly worried about them (the monkees), so I got out of our car to help a shaken elderly lady who was having difficulty getting back into her car.  Now I was still hobbling along with the aid of my walking cane, but felt safe and was able to keep a watchful eye.  Then there were more shouts of despair and people started to run towards me causing me to slip down a slight embankment but I was uninjured and left laughing and looking back down the road where big trees were swaying and then I saw it--a bull elephant with two large white tusks leading a half dozen others and gaining momentum, and heading right for our car where I lay.  Yikes!  Anyway the Elephants moved  around the car and left me with this exciting little tale.  For a moment there, I was Johnny Weismueller.  :-)  Really pretty here--and a little scarry. But I think David Miller's fishing for trout in Kamchatka with an armed guard sitting on the riverbank to ward off those giant brown bears is scarier.  By the way, our classmate travels the world with his fishing rod and reel. An amazing life.



NAKHON RATCHASIMA — Park officials Wednesday published 10 rules to follow when encountering a wild elephant after a video of one such beast squishing a car driving through Khao Yai National Park went viral

Ungawa!  :-)